The Greater Brighton Fire Protection District is considering a ballot question for the November 2020 ballot to stabilize the residential assessment rate (RAR) at 7.15%. With the RAR projected to drop to 5.8% in 2021, the Fire District is facing losses over $1 Million. It would continue to suffer losses each year over the next several years due to these unintended consequences of the Gallagher Amendment. The Colorado legislature in their 2020 session also realized the Gallagher Amendment is not achieving the original intent. A statewide ballot question will also be on the November ballot. The ballot question that we are considering would be specifically for the Greater Brighton Fire Protection District.

These losses will significantly affect fire districts across the state. Brighton Fire is not considering a tax increase. This ballot measure simply maintains/stabilizes where we are currently in revenue concerning the RAR. Please watch this short informational video about the Gallagher Amendment and how you can help your local fire district and first responders.